Development of a visualisation platform

The customer: ENTSO-G

For our client ENTSO-G, The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas, we have developed a platform that visualizes gas transports within European networks.

ENTSO-G, headquartered in Brussels, covers the operators of gas transmission networks in Europe. Its members include 44 transmission system operators in 26 EU countries, which are required to report their data regularly to ENTSO-G.

Our solution: The visualisation platform

The platform developed by MEGLA enables ENTSO-G and the transmission system operators to get a quick overview of the data of the European transmission system. The data condensed by the platform for actual physical flows, capacity utilizations and (re-) nominations are visualized at the level of network points and balancing zones.

This information is particularly relevant in times of crisis to identify the effects of supply bottlenecks and to be able to make statements about grid stability. The advantage of this platform is that the EU-wide data is aggregated and visualized depending on the type of infrastructure (pipeline, LNG terminal, gas storage, etc.), thus ensuring a quick overview of the European gas transmission network. Based on the overview at EU level with the data of the respective balancing zones and neighbouring non-EU countries, users can look at the composition of the individual network points for each balancing zone.
Thanks to this method of abstraction, the visualization platform developed by MEGLA is essential to provide relevant information on the status of the security of supply in Europe.


Customer feedback

Hendrik Pollex, Director System Operation at ENTSO-G:

"On the one hand, the visualization platform developed by MEGLA helps us to obtain a quick overview of the grid stability of the European gas transmission network as well as of all individual balancing zones. Especially in the exchange with the transmission system operators, this platform offers us a data-driven visualization solution and thus makes an important contribution to the European security of supply of natural gas.

What I particularly appreciate about working with MEGLA is the quick and direct exchange between those involved in the project. Thanks to MEGLA's continuous participation in the exchange with the network operators, we as the client were able to provide direct feedback to MEGLA from the end users. At the same time MEGLA informed the network operators about the current development status and further planning. Especially in 2022 and the dynamics in the European gas market, we were able to react quickly to changed priorities and additional requirements in the project thanks to MEGLA.
MEGLA understood our respective requirements and implemented them accordingly. Our contact persons already provided us with advice and support during the planning phase and played a key role in the integration into the productive system, thus ensuring functionality."

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